Saturday, October 13, 2012

Junk Food in NY Hospitals?

Earlier this week, Mr. Bolos put up a blog post where many students and I discussed the problem of obesity in American society. Many of us linked this epidemic to the lack of healthy food options, and accessibility to citizens. One student brought up a point that was about what kind of role the government should have in the regulation of unhealthy food choices. As many of us know, sometimes it is much easier, convenient  and appealing to buy a hamburger for two dollars than spend much more on an organic salad. I believe that the government should put a tax on unhealthy foods so that people will not always go the easy route by choosing the unhealthy option.

I came across an article that was talking about how Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City plans to control what is being sold in the vending machines in hospitals around the city. To me, it makes complete sense that a hospital, of all places, should not serve unhealthy food. Mayor Bloomberg said, "If there's any place that should not allow smoking or try to make you eat healthy, you'd think it'd be the hospitals." His rationale certainly makes sense because the places he wants to do this in (hospitals) really do represent the epitome of health. On the other hand, I feel as though maybe this would not be such a great idea because many people who are in the waiting rooms of hospitals are worried about their loved ones. For example, if you are anxiously sitting in a waiting room worried about your loved one and bored out of your mind,what is to say that doing some "emotional eating" to cheer up is that bad? In addition, some people could feel too controlled by the government if something like this were to take place. In the article, a retired hairdresser who was sitting in the outpatient waiting area was interviewed on the issue. He remarked, "We're being told what to eat and drink. We're not living in a free country anymore." As Americans, freedom was one of the founding ideas of our country; how many immigrants thought of the new land. It is a value that is in the First Amendment of the Constitution  It is something we all feel is so basic to humankind. Do you think that Bloomberg's actions would be limiting our freedoms?

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